Plan B Measures
On the 8th of December the Prime Minister confirmed that England will move to ‘Plan B’ following the rapid spread of the Omicron variant in the UK.
The new measures introduced with ‘Plan B’ are detailed below:
Face Coverings

From the 10 December you must wear a face covering in the indoor settings detailed below, unless exempt:
- Public Transport
- Places of Worship
- Shops
- Cinemas and Theatres
- Hairdressers
- Stadiums and Concerts
Working from Home

From 13 December, you should work from home, if you can.

An NHS COVID Pass is proof of a negative test or full vaccination via the NHS App.
From 15 December, you will need to show your NHS COVID Pass in certain places where crowds gather such as:
- Nightclubs
- Sporting Events
- Large Stadiums
- Indoor Concerts